Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Men and Strip Clubs - A Place of Relaxation
The fact is most women, especially wives, do not understand that it usually isn't just an open opportunity to "perv" naked women without getting slapped, but it is seen more of a "place of distraction and relaxation" to strip club patrons.
I too am married, yet I am one of the lucky few married guys out there who has a wife who is totally open minded about me going to strip clubs and even getting lap dances.
Well that being said, I am proud and maybe even blessed to live in Cape Town which is believed to have some of the most beautiful women in the world! That statement could not be any more true... just go to any night club or one of Cape Town's popular beaches and you will find what I and many others say to be true. In fact exotically beautiful women can even be found making their regular visits to all Cape Town strip clubs... and not to get up on stage, but to enjoy the show.
I can only attempt to make the women (especially the married women) who are dead set against their husbands or boyfriends ever setting foot inside a strip club understand that once you sit down and spend the first 5 minutes in the club, the naked women very quickly become as part of the furniture and any erection that may have resulted from the initial visual pleasure, very quickly dies down.
Bottom line is guys don't go to strip clubs to get laid... we go there to relax and unwind. If we want to get laid we usually just get a motel room and go to a street corner to consult the services of a "Road-side Professional". That applies to the cheating guy I must add...
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Just Friends
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Women - For the Love or for the Money?
So they claim money is not one of the aspects they look for in a man, yet in that same sentence they would sometimes include “I want a man who can spoil me…” and also “I don’t want no broke guy…”
Let’s consider the following situation: Two guys standing next to each other. Guy A is an average hard working guy earning minimum wage, does not have his own car or house and can really only afford to spoil a girl once in a blue moon. Guy B on the other hand is some manager or director with a fancy car, fat wallet, owns a beautiful house and can really spend money as he pleases.
Now both of these guys are interested in the same girl and we know it’s a fact that ultimately it is always the female who determines whether the guy gets the girl or not and not the other way around (sorry guys that’s just fact).
Who do you think she is more likely to choose?
Friday, April 8, 2011
Prefer Seeing Girls in Underwear or Naked? What do Lesbians Prefer?
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Guy With the Roaming Eye
What I find funny though is seeing a guy with his girlfriend (or wife) at his side who then sneaks a peak at another gorgeous lady passing by and he gets caught in the act by his partner. It is then the partner’s reaction I like to keep a close eye on (and I can only hope this does not come across as me watching another man’s lady while he is watching another lady).
In some cases the girlfriend or wife just pretend they haven’t noticed his ogling the goodies of another woman. In other cases the woman makes him very aware that she has caught him in the act, but for the sake of not making a public spectacle of herself she would then “get him” at a more private location… I’m sure each and every guy probably experienced this at least once or twice in his lifetime (unless he’s…. well you figure it out).
Then there are the two rare occasions where either the buy does not sneak a peak, but blatantly breaks his neck to catch a glimpse and his partner just doesn’t mind and the guy who has his partner actually tells him to have a look at the butt of another woman and the two of them then share opinions on what they think of that one walking by. This actually happened to me...
What I find classic though is the girl who sneaks a peak at another guy passing by and her partner is totally unaware of this. Wonder what his reaction would be if he caught her in the act… and how she would with all success talk herself out of it and somehow making it his fault.
The Cheating Gene: Do Men Have a Valid Excuse for Cheating?
Scientists claim they have found a gene that raises the chances of a man cheating on his partner. So does this mean some of us are just not meant to be faithful?
Researchers questioned 180 men and women about their attitudes towards relationships and they were also tested for the gene called DRD4, which affects levels of dopamine, a brain chemical. One quarter with the so called “love rat” gene were more than twice as likely to cheat on their partners and were also more likely to have one-night stands.
Justin Garcia, a researcher, said: “What we found was that individuals with a certain variant of the DRD4 gene were more likely to have a history of uncommitted sex, including one-night stands and acts of infidelity.”
He also added it is possible for someone with the DRD4 Gene to feel committed to his partner, but yet may feel the need to cheat.
So what is your take on this? Do guys actually have a genetic excuse for being unfaithful?
Welcome to For The Man
For The Man has been started as a place where men can share with women the things they really want and also where women will be given the opportunity to voice their opinions and thoughts on what they think men want and what they may believe men are in need of.
The aim of For the Man is to spark debate and discussion based on gender related topics which we hope will give both men and women a chance to have a better idea of what exactly makes our counterparts tick.
Why?…. lets face it… The Man will never really get to understand The Woman and this way we may just be able to learn to live and work together in peace… or remain ending up in pieces…