Girls and guys being just friends is something we see and hear of everyday. Even I remember having a female best friend a few years ago.
Myself and this fe-friend were in fact very, very close. So close that she would parade around in her underwear in my presence or get dressed and undressed without asking me to leave the room. Sometimes she would ask me to sleep over and we would then share the same bed… and nothing would “happen” between us.
Now some guys may think “you must be soooo gay!”, but the truth is I am every much as warm blooded and attracted to the opposite sex as any other straight guy.
On one occasion I did however sense a small amount of “territorial hostility” when I met this other girl, a pretty hot young lady, and after I introduced the two of them my fe-friend started acting a bit territorial like kissing me for no reason or just holding on to me. She could clearly see this new girl had an interest in me and for some reason she tried to make it clear that I was “her best friend (territory)”, but she was still very friendly toward the new girl. The new girl even asked me if she was my girlfriend and I explained that we were just very close.
This close friendship however came to an end when a girl I got involved with did not like the idea of us being so close and she caused all kinds of trouble eventually leading up to my losing my best fe-friend. (Women just can’t live in peace with each other)
Well I’m glad I am no longer with that girlfriend, but she permanently damaged one of the best friendships I ever had.
Have you ever had such a friend? Or do you believe that men and women can’t ever be “Just Friends”?
can’t ever be Just Friends