Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Cheating Gene: Do Men Have a Valid Excuse for Cheating?

Scientists claim they have found a gene that raises the chances of a man cheating on his partner. So does this mean some of us are just not meant to be faithful?

Researchers questioned 180 men and women about their attitudes towards relationships and they were also tested for the gene called DRD4, which affects levels of dopamine, a brain chemical. One quarter with the so called “love rat” gene were more than twice as likely to cheat on their partners and were also more likely to have one-night stands.

Justin Garcia, a researcher, said: “What we found was that individuals with a certain variant of the DRD4 gene were more likely to have a history of uncommitted sex, including one-night stands and acts of infidelity.”

He also added it is possible for someone with the DRD4 Gene to feel committed to his partner, but yet may feel the need to cheat.

So what is your take on this? Do guys actually have a genetic excuse for being unfaithful?


  1. so is that actually an illness or just a laim sorry excuse to get their way out of everything?

  2. Hey Rehana. According to the research its not an illness nor an excuse... they just state it as fact.

  3. Sooo... you saying that men literally gets away with fraud and murder and i name a whole lot more then...

  4. uhm.. I think fraud and murder is a bit out of context here. I dont recall any research being conducted for those.

  5. Actually, it's not just men with the DRD4 gene variation. Women have it, also. It just so happens that this particular article only addresses men with the gene variation. I am a 39 year old woman, and I know for a fact that I have been in love, deeply in love, and yet continued to cheat. Finally, one day my long-time boyfriend (at that time) asked me why, why do I cheat. He has never let me forget that my answer was simply..............I CAN'T HELP IT. I had forgotten about the conversation altogether, but obviously it had a serious impact on him. I loved him more than life itself, but he is a faithful, loving man, and I broke it off with him. He begged me and begged me to get back together with him, but I just couldn't do it. I told him that I KNEW I would cheat on him and hurt him again, and that's the last thing I ever wanted to do. So I felt like it was in his best interest to just "let me go", and move on. I cheated on the man I married after that, also. I honestly do not believe I will ever be able to be faithful to anyone. No matter how much "I love them", and I DO KNOW what true love is, but there again...........I still cheat. Call me what you will, but I'm not a slut. It truly is a rush. I even used to call it "an ego booster". So when I felt down, I would make a phone call and go get an "ego boost", and come back home to my husband and have "good sex" and be happy. The sad part is, the cheating sex was not satisfying as far as orgasm, but it made me feel so good inside about myself. If I wanted GOOD SEX and a man that knew how to PLEASE ME, I would just have sex with my husband because HE DID IT RIGHT. The others were just my "sex on demand"............

  6. We are above primal instinct of any kind... Its a simple loss of will power to lust, no explanation needed
